Statement from Mount Vernon Forward:
Once again, Mount Vernon has been touched by political scandal, this time in our own race for City Council. As a coalition dedicated to ending dirty politics and infighting in our city, the Mount Vernon Forward team condemns the tactics of threats and intimidation uncovered by the District Attorney. Although we are opponents in our primary, we stand in solidarity with our fellow Democratic colleague Councilwoman Duarte at this time. No one should be attacked by bullying and attempted intimidation. Mr. Cannata should resign immediately from the Board of Ethics. We call on all the candidates for public office in Mount Vernon to adhere to better ethical standards and to desist from attacks, false charges, threats and disinformation. We also thank District Attorney Rocah for her office’s serious attention to this case, and to our city’s elections. As we continue this campaign, we’re recommitting to positive messages aimed at a better future for everyone. Let’s move Mount Vernon Forward together.
Note: Mr. Cannata, the chairman of the city Board of Ethics, was arraigned Tuesday on two misdemeanor charges of third-degree attempted coercion after he was accused of threatening Councilwoman Janice Duarte over her brother's objections to his nominating petitions.
About #MVForward:
Mount Vernon Forward is a diverse coalition of concerned Democrats, dedicated to continuing making progress for a better future for Mount Vernon by supporting a slate of dedicated candidates for City Council - Danielle Browne, Cathlin Gleason, and Ed Poteat.