Putting its pledge of unity and collaboration into action, the Mount Vernon Forward slate for City Council last night promised to end political infighting and bring needed reform, investment, and public collaboration to the city.
Speaking at a candidates forum hosted by the Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church, the #MVForward team of Danielle Browne, Cathlin Gleason and Ed Poteat decried negative campaigning, false Trump-like robocalls, and base Republican-style tactics in the race while elevating the slate’s consistent call for comprehensive planning, police reform, and an investment in the quality of life for all Mount Vernon residents.
The #MVForward slate also called on Montefiore Health Systems not only to keep Mount Vernon Hospital open, but to expand and improve services there, closely aligning their public healthcare policy with the New York State Nurses Association. In addition, the team also discussed future uses for a renovated Memorial Field complex, support for local businesses, and greater funding for youth services programs in Mount Vernon.
In keeping with its pledge to campaign positively, the #MVForward team took the time to praise the other candidates for their willingness to seek public office. The forum was ably hosted by Rev. Dr. Stephen Pogue and Rev. Dr. Jeffery Wheeler. The full video of the forum is available on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GreaterCentennialAMEZ/videos/472148993999960